About Us

About Bethany:

“Aww. She’s sleeping like a baby,” someone says to you. Why does that phrase stir thoughts of chaos, frustration, and weariness instead of peace and serenity like it’s intended to mean? Did you ever imagine that a tiny little human could bring your life spinning in circles with no signs of when it’s going to stop? We’ve all been there at some point, whether it’s a sleep issue or some other parenting problem you are trying to solve.

I can at least help with the spinning in circles from a lack of sleep!

I began my education in the sleep consulting world when I was in college (though I didn’t realize it then). I was in school full-time at Texas State completing my degree in Social Work while working for a couple of nanny agencies in Austin. During my many years as a

nanny, I worked in dozens of homes in the Austin area with all age children. Back then, I had the pleasure of parents doing all their research on the best parenting techniques to get their babies to sleep well, and all I had to do was implement those things. Let me tell you, I learned more than I ever thought I would during those years. I worked with families on all ends of the spectrum-from deeply passionate attachment parents to parents who were strict schedulers with no wiggle room. Not only did I learn the theories of different parenting and sleeping techniques, but I had the wonderful opportunity to implement them on other children, see the results, and learn from them.

I had big plans on what I was going to do with my social work degree and was excited about this career path. Then, my husband and I got a wonderful surprise with the arrival of our first child in July 2010.

I was tremendously thankful to have had the years of experience I had working with babies. As a new mom, I was more confident in the choices I was making to encourage my baby to be a happy, healthy, well rested sweetie.

During the season with my first child, two things were invaluable to me: the combined years of experience and knowledge in the field of babies and sleep I had previously gained, and a dear friend who had her own six success stories to counsel me as I was going through it. Without those two things, I do not believe I would have had the success I did at teaching my three children how to sleep 12 hours at night before they were 5 months, and take long, restful naps during the day. After my daughter’s birth, I decided to pursue a career where I could still spend most of my time being my child’s primary caregiver.

It only made sense to keep doing what I had previously been doing for years. So I began working as a postpartum doula, shortly followed by gaining my certification as a birth doula. As a birth and postpartum doula, my world is surrounded by pregnant mamas and new mamas. I found myself not only wanting to assist them with the basics during the newborn stage, but to give them the best gift ever: the gift of sleep again! I wanted to be the support that my friend was to me, where no question is too silly to ask nor could I ask too many. I wanted to see new mamas LOVE the newborn stage instead of just being totally exhausted.

There is a better way , and I find great delight walking with families to help get them to the other side, cheering on their successes and hard work.

Since I was already doing this with birth clients, postpartum clients, and other friends and family, I finally decided it was time to extend all my knowledge, skills, successes, and failures to Austin and beyond so that more and more of us can truly and completely enjoy this crazy season of parenting we are in.

So, dream on sweet babies, we’ve got you covered.

Bethany's Credentials Include:

  • Degree in Social Work from Texas State University

  • Pediatric Sleep Consultant

  • Certified Birth Doula (CD)

  • Postpartum Doula

  • Certified Lactation Counselor

Wondering if Bethany’s Services are the right fit for your family?

About Jeanie:

Jeanie received her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition at The University of Texas. She is a mother to four children and a teacher at City School Texas. She has been working as a postpartum doula for 7 years. She finds great joy investing in the lives of children and adults of all ages.

Jeanie loves the opportunity to offer physical , emotional and practical support while your family settles into this next season of life. Her sense of humor and joyful spirit help you relax and enjoy bonding with the newest addition to your family.

Phone: ‭+1 (979) 204-6520‬

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